Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Fathers Day

On this auspicious occasion I would like to write a little bit about my father who passed away 15 years ago.

I myself now am a father of one.

I am proud of my dad cos my dad gave me a recognition in my community as his son.

He served in SFF for many years.

He was very good at fixing Sprains and fractures without performing surgery.
I used to hear compliments and great satisfaction about my father’s on his skills from many of my neighbors and people of my hometown.

I myself not only witnessed but experienced it at first hand when I got fractured my own left hand (my master hand) when I was at the age of 12 years old and my father fixes without any uneven curvature ensued.

My dad also had a good knowledge of Ayurvedic medicine. He treated me when I got to scrape on my right knee, it was indeed a big scrape and I still remember its effectiveness. My wound got healed very fast before my eyes.

My father tried very hard to give me a good education and he was very strict on that.

I was in 8th standard when he passed away. He died after two days of ailments.

I terribly miss my dad.

Happy Fathers day to all!